
Notes on Travels

As a general rule, actual travel and related subsistence costs relating to the project may be considered as direct eligible costs, providing they comply with the beneficiary's usual practices and are adequately recorded, like any other cost. If such costs are reimbursed on the basis of a lump sum/or per diem payment, it is the lump sump/or per diem and not the actual costs that are considered to be eligible costs. Where it is the usual practice of the beneficiary to consider these costs as indirect costs, they cannot be charged as direct eligible costs, but only as indirect costs. For each travel each participant should present the approval of the travel duly dated and signed from the person in charge of the signature. Note that even if you have chosen the lump sum method of payment, you are requested to present all the documents proving the travel. For what concerns air tickets, it is compulsory to keep boarding cards. No other document will be accepted by the auditor, in case we will be audited. For travels outside Europe it is necessary to communicate the reason of the travel containing sufficient information to judge if content and costs are acceptable to the Coordinator, who will express his agreement on the expenditure. All the documents related to conference programmes, attendance sheet, or meeting agenda or whatever will certify the permanence abroad, should be provided.